Hurricane Sandy

Unfortunately as I mentioned and predicted in my last post, Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey very hard last Monday night. If you live on the east coast, I’m sure you’ve been hearing about the devastation and rebuilding since Sandy arrived one week ago. It is nothing short of a disaster.

All photos courtesy of my iPhone

I am beyond thankful that she did not do as much damage as was predicted to both my hometown and New Brunswick, where I live and go to school. We were very fortunate and have been counting our blessings since she dissipated.

Unfortunately, my neighborhood at home consists of older families and homes, so my mom has been without power since Monday afternoon. She hopes to have electricity back within the next few days before the next storm hits (IT’S INSANE), but we cannot be too sure.

Besides downed branches and some trees, all houses were unscathed in my neighborhood except for one older woman who lives on my street. It was fortunate that she rode out the storm at her daughter’s house a few towns over, so she was unharmed by this tree, but it is still so sad. So many shore towns suffered major damage. Houses swept out into the sea, gone forever. The most devastation I have ever seen from a single storm.

Photo taken by my friend Jenny Mariani

Not only that, but New Jersey is in a major gas crisis. Almost as bad as the crisis that occurred in the 70s, though I’ve only heard of that one since I wasn’t alive at the time. I waited with my brother for 2 1/2 hours one afternoon to get 5 gallons of gas to run our generator. It is mayhem and many people still are without power and the temperature has been almost freezing every night. We were fortunate to purchase a generator to run our power for a few hours every night, but not many are that fortunate. It is a complete mess that I do not foresee being resolved completely within the next few days.

If you know of anyone living in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut, please check up on them if you haven’t already. I can tell you that for many this last week has been very hard. I also ask that if you can, please donate to the Red Cross or to any local non-profit that is giving back to those that are without. I wanted to do my part and volunteer my time, but with the gas crisis it made it very hard to drive anywhere.

The only thing we can do is look to the future and rebuild.

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